Darian Yang, a student in the MBSB Program, successfully defended his thesis on August 26th to complete his Ph.D. The title of his presentation and thesis is “Invisible Protein States and How to View Them: Integrating 19F NMR and Weighted Ensemble Simulations”. Darian performed this research under the co-supervision of Prof. Angela Gronenborn in the Department of Structural Biology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Prof. Lillian Chong in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. Darian developed force field parameters for fluorinated amino acids and characterized an alternate state of the HIV-1 capsid protein CTD dimer using weighted ensemble simulations and NMR spectroscopy. Combining such experimental and computational approaches is crucial for advancing the boundaries of knowledge within biophysics. Darian will begin a postdoctoral fellowship in the laboratory of Prof. Kresten Lindorff-Larson at the University of Copenhagen and plans to continue a career in scientific research.


Congratulations, Darian

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