Welcome New MBSB Faculty member, Prof Grace Kenney! 

Prof. Grace Kenney is a new assistant professor in Department of Chemistry at University of Pittsburgh. Research in the Kenney Lab is driven by a central pair of questions: what types of chemistry are microbes carrying out that we have not uncovered, and how can we best explore this “dark matter” of unknown microbial biochemistry?  One major research area is the identification and mechanistic characterization of new classes of enzymes, with a particular focus on metalloenzymes, which carry out complex redox chemistry in diverse cellular pathways.  A second area of interest is the isolation and characterization of previously unknown classes of secondary metabolites, particularly bioactive natural products produced in complex microbial communities.  Along with structural and biophysical approaches, research in the lab also draws on bioinorganic chemistry, microbiology, and bioinformatics.

Please welcome Grace to MBSB.
