Thesis Title: "Biophysical Mechanisms of Amyloid Nucleation in Polyglutamine-containing Huntingtin Fragments"
Graduation Date: 2012
PhD Advisor: Dr Ron Wetzel
Research Interests:
Protein misfolding and aggregation, with a focus on understanding the protein misfolding and aggregation pathways in the context of the Hunitngtin N –terminal fragments that are implicated in Huntington’s disease.
Current location: Senior Associate at the Boston Consulting Group at Mumbai, India
- Roland BP, Kodali R, Mishra R, Wetzel R. A serendipitous survey of prediction algorithms for amyloidogenicity. Biopolymers 2013; 100(6):780-9
- Mishra, R., Hoop, CL, Kodali, R., Sahoo, B, Van der Wel, PC, and Wetzel, R. (2012) Serine Phosphorylation Suppresses Huntingtin Amyloid Accumulation by Altering Protein Aggregation Properties J Mol Biol in press
- Jayaraman M, Mishra R, Kodali R, Thakur AK, Koharudin LM, Gronenborn AM, Wetzel R. (2012) Kinetically competing huntingtin aggregation pathways control amyloid polymorphism and properties. Biochemistry. 51(13):2706-16
- Mishra R, Jayaraman M, Roland BP, Landrum E, Fullam T, Kodali R, Thakur AK, Arduini I, Wetzel R. (2012) Inhibiting the nucleation of amyloid structure in a huntingtin fragment by targeting α-helix-rich oligomeric intermediates. J Mol Biol. 415(5):900-17
- Jayaraman M, Kodali R, Sahoo B, Thakur AK, Mayasundari A, Mishra R, Peterson CB, Wetzel R. (2012) Slow amyloid nucleation via α-helix-rich oligomeric intermediates in short polyglutamine-containing huntingtin fragments. J Mol Biol. 415(5):881-99
- AK Thakur, M Jayaraman, R Mishra, M Thakur, VM Chellgren, IJ Byeon, DH Anjum, RB Kodali, TP Creamer, JF Conway, AM Gronenborn, R Wetzel (2009) Polyglutamine disruption of the huntingtin exon 1 N terminus triggers a complex aggregation mechanism. Nat Struct Mol Biol, vol. 16 (4) pp. 380-9
- X Gu, ER Greiner, R Mishra, RB Kodali, AP Osmand, S Finkbeiner, JS Steffan, LM Thompson, R Wetzel, XW Yang (2009) Serines 13 and 16 are critical determinants of full-length human mutant huntingtin induced disease pathogenesis in HD mice. Neuron, vol. 64 (6) pp. 828-40