Thesis Title: Integration of NMR and SAXS with Atomistic Simulations for Characterizing the Structure and Dynamics of Multi-Domain Proteins

Graduation Date: July 21, 2017


Research Interests:

Proteins that consist of multiple domains, or units with discrete  biological functions, are prevalent in nature. These domains are connected by linker regions whose sequences and lengths have evolved to position them appropriately for their functions. However, these linker regions may be flexible and challenging to characterize, and the advantages that particular linker lengths and compositions provide remain poorly understood. Karl studied the importance of linker regions in the model protein MoCVNH-LysM using a combination of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics simulation.



University of Pittsburgh, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Molecular Biology, 2009

Carnegie Mellon University, MChE in Chemical Engineering, 2010

PhD Advisors: Dr. Angela Gronenborn & Dr. Lillian Chong

email: ktd3[AT]

Current Location: Epic Systems (Verona, WI) 
