MBSB Symposium 2024

The eleventh annual MBSB research symposium was held on Wednesday, May 8th from 8:30am to 5:00pm in the Assembly, a biomedical research hub, leased in-part by the University of Pittsburgh. MBSB students organized the symposium. They invited Dr. Nancy Carrasco, Professor, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, to be the keynote speaker. MBSB faculty, current MBSB graduate students and an MBSB alumnus gave talks. We all enjoyed the symposium. Thank you for planning this nice event!






Poster award in the 2024 Gordon Research Conference on Protein Folding Dynamics in Galveston!

Mr. Darian Yang, a 5th year PhD candidate in the MBSB graduate program, co-mentored by Dr. Lillian Chong and Dr. Angela Gronenborn, attended the 2024 GRC: Protein Folding Dynamics in Galveston, Texas, where he received a poster award for his research project titled “Characterization of an Alternate Conformation of the HIV-1 Capsid Protein CTD Dimer using 19F NMR and Weighted Ensemble MD”.

Congratulations, Darian! 








Darian gave a talk on his research in the 2023 European Biophysical Societies Association (EBSA) Congress in Stockholm!

Mr. Darian Yang, a soon-to-be 5th year PhD student in the MBSB graduate program, co-mentored by Dr. Lillian Chong and Dr. Angela Gronenborn, attended the 2023 European Biophysical Societies Congress in Stockholm, Sweden, where his abstract was selected for a talk, “Characterization of an Alternate Conformation of the HIV-1 Capsid Protein CTD Dimer using 19F NMR and Weighted Ensemble MD”. It is an important opportunity for graduate students to give talks on their results in such professional conferences and exchange their ideas with the international scientists in their fields. Darian received a IUPAB bursary to attend this conference as the IUPAB sponsored and supports this meeting. Darian: “I enjoyed this meeting quite a lot! It was an incredible opportunity to present in the Stockholm University Aula Magna. I was able to forge strong relationships and have stimulating scientific discussions with people from Europe and all around the world. Besides the science, there was also plenty of social activities built in to provide a well-balanced schedule. Some highlights included kayaking and having a reception/dinner at Stockholm city hall where the Nobel banquets are held.”

Left) Presenting in the Aula Magna. Middle) The gold room in Stockholm city hall. Right) A walk around Gamla Stan (the old city).






Welcome New MBSB Faculty members, Profs Matthew Wohlever and Jay Tan!

Prof. Wohlever moved from University of Toledo to the Department of Cell Biology at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Two of his graduate students, Sachini and Shawn, joined the MBSB graduate program. Yay!


Prof. Jay Tan is a new assistant professor in Department of Cell Biology at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. A second-year MBSB student, Awishi, is already doing research in his lab.



Please welcome them both to MBSB.




Thank you for your hard work!

The Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine concluded on July 28, 2023. There were three SURP students who worked in the Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biology (MBSB) graduate program laboratories. Together with the students in the Molecular Genetics and Developmental Biology (MGDB) graduate program, they presented their research in the closing-day presentation. Their presentation levels were extremely high. We had active discussions after each talk.

Please check our undergraduate Research opportunity website;
